Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Episode 8: Cash the great story teller, Spa "hoovers" her meal, SLAW is making Cruz fat and Mr. X eats another PB&J

Exciting SLAW indeed.  Cash revives SLAW with an exciting and delicious meal of Chicken Kababs.  (Oh boy, I asked for this one).  
Cash brought 
1. Chicken Parmesan
2. Delicious Spaghetti w/tomato sauce 
3. Sliced Bread and Butter
4. Chocolate Brownies

Cash started SLAW by describing our Lunch and a story that involved Cash/Cruz and Mr. X on Black Friday walking out of a Italian restaurant because of burnt sandwiches, $7.50 for only 2 meatballs w/no pasta for Cash and a very peculiar and "not really there" waiter who handed plates to us instead of putting them on the table and spilled our drink.  The 3 hungry and newly banned from the restaurant guys then walked to a Nathan's where Cash ordered the 5 piece chicken tender meal and got only 1 sauce with his order.  His arch nemesis was FLO, the evil lord of Nathan's cash register who shouted and hollered when confronted by Cash for the extra Ranch sauce. Did Cash pay the 54cent fees for the extra sauce.... Heck NO. 
(New Poll:  Please vote if we should change Cash's name to 54cent, like rapper 50cent.)

We all walked out of there, with a chance that we are banned from that Nathan's as well. Well maybe only Cash.  Those are some great fries...

Spa/I(Cruz) talked about how SLAW is making us fatter because we are eating huge lunches with white bread, butter, desserts...  She might level the game by bringing some spa fair tomorrow.  or I vote that we add a 10 minute dance-off to 80's music at the start of each SLAW.
PS:  Mr.X munched on his PB&J in counter clockwise motion starting with crust first. No new developments there.

1 comment:

  1. No name change approved. Flo is going down (that parking lot can get very icy - hope no one bumps into her when she is leaving). Hope we are having lunch today - not optimistic - Spa what is the word? - Cash
