Monday, December 13, 2010

Episode 13: Spa brings EAT to SLAW and Cruz ate Caesar.

SLAW reaches1000 views  
2nd month started on a lighter note with Mr X not at work today and Spa under the weather.  She brought 

1. E.A.T's Caesar Salad
2. E.A.T's Onion Rolls
3. E.A.T's Chicken vegetable soup
4. Raspberry Cookies

Cruz enjoyed his salad more than anything waited 3 years to have a E.A.T Caesar salad (thank you SPA), Cash enjoyed the cookies and Spa enjoyed cleaning the table after our Lunch.

Perfect meal for a cold day.  We all sat and shared our weekend stories with Spa's nephew visiting Santa, Cruz's brother getting married and Cash enjoying a nice weekend with some friends in a different State.

Mr X, Spa and Cash also visited FLO, the  evil lord of Nathan's cash register on Friday for some Nathan's. From what we hear she hasn't changed much...

We also talked about taking SLAW on the road next week which will spice things a bit.  SLAW ended with some nice dessert and Spa feeding the carpet.  A quiet, healthy, delicious SLAW indeed.  Sadly no PB&J action today.

1 comment:

  1. Soup and salad for under $7, make that $0 what a deal. I hear it is good for the soul and I need all the help I can get. - Cash
