Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Episode 20: Cruz brings Curry in a Hurry and Cash can use some more spice

Tuesday 12.20.10 and Mr X took a planned day off while Spa is out as well.  I showed up to work with just 2 thick slices of Banana Bread (Compliments of my Sister in LAW)
I decided to bring some Bangladeshi cuisine so went down to Curry in a Hurry, Lex and 23rd.  Trip didn't take too long but it ate most of my lunch time...
Left work: 11:35 and got back in the building 12:29.  Not much time left to eat but we made it work. (and yes I looked at my watch the constantly)
I brought/bought:
1.  Beef Kabab Rolls
2.  Vegetable Samosa
3.  A variety of dressings (Plum Sweet, Toxic green mint and Spiced yogurt)
4.  Homemade Banana Bread
5.  Diet Coke (Broke rule of no beverages but Cash didn't raise any objections)
Here are some pics of the place.  The kabab rolls are made by putting Beef (Seekh or Shish) kababs on a metal rod, than wrapping dough on them, the whole thing then goes into a brick oven- aka Tandoor (in this case a metal one) See picture below.  The guy then dipped the rolls in melted butter...

Curry in a Hurry is located on 23rd and Lex.  (my old college hangout joint for good food fast)

SLAW was very quick, food was OK kinda bland (not spicy enough for me or Cash) but I loved the Banana Bread ;)
(Hint to Sis inLAW: Send some more baked goodies anytime you want to)

Tomorrow, whole crew is back.  It will be nice to SLAW with Mr X, Cash, Spa again in one room and see what exciting stories Mr X and Spa bring from their holiday (mini) vacations.

- Cruz

Monday, December 27, 2010

Episode 19: Snow Day Cancels SLAW, Germany and New Zealand joins our audience and Cruz is gaga over Amy Adams

Its 12.27.10 and Snow Day in New York City.  No home cooked meals being shared in the office.  No SLAWing for the Team SLAW. I woke up and saw this outside my apt... No SLAW Day but... I am here to announce that our tiny BLOG on work lunches have reached 1350 views, and got few more viewers from different countries... New Zealand and Germany!!! Single views count.  They do.
And lastly, I watched Julie & Julia.  A movie about a girl, bored at work who decided to go through Julia Childs book on cooking and make all her recipes in 365 days and then blog about it.  Home cooking and blogging... Just a perfect movie for food lovers or Amy Adams lovers (which is where I fit in)
A SLAW Pick.  Highly Recommended. - Cruz

Episode 18: The Lost Episode of SLAW - Cash brings Slaw to SLAW, MR X refuses to pour seconds and Cruz missed out on the Big Fat One!

Welcome to the Lost Episode 18 of Project SLAW.  Dated Wednesday 12.22.10. 
Cash brought delicious sandwiches to the SLAW loaded with Cole Slaw which packed great Flavor and yes, I loved it.
1.  Ham and Cheese with Cole Slaw Sandwich.
2.  Turkey and Cheese with Cole Slaw Sandwich.
3.  Veggie Straws.
4.  Home Made Cookies (Chocolate, Xmas Sugar Cookies, Big Fat Cookies and the Chocolate Caramel _________ ).
5. Diet Coke and Water provided by Mr X.
The bag of delights was gift from Mrs Cash to Cruz+family.  It was just delicious.  And what a great batch of cookies although I never got to eat the Big fat cookies cause "someone" took it from our table.  I did enjoy the Chocolate Chip Cookies.  This is the way to do SLAW, good ol' home made and baked goodies.  

This was the last episode of SLAW.  We will continue our adventures back in office starting 12.28.10 since 12.27 became a snow day for New Yorkers.
Happy Holidays Everyone!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Episode 17: Spa missing, Cruz goes undercover, Mr X bangs paper cups and Cash gets his (meatballs)

A SLAW without Spa is not as fun but SLAW on the road continued at Area M and Cruz bought some Italian instead of bringing some Pakistani.
Cruz brought:
1.  Meatballs Parmigiana with Pasta, bread rolls for Cash
2.  Chicken Roll (or Chicken pocket per Cash) for Mr X
3.  Lentil soup and a Mushroom Pizza Slice for himself
Mr X contributed:
1. Diet Coke
Cruz went to the infamous Fortufato's Restaurant* (full story in episode 8 where Team SLAW minus Spa walked out of the place due to burnt sandwiches and overpriced and under(meat)ball'd entrĂ©e).  
* Not real restaurant name.
Ordering was a breeze.  The waiter from Episode 8 was behind Cruz as he placed the meatball with pasta order.  Upon hearing that, he said "getting meatball with pasta, arrrrgh"... (the arrrrgh part if from Cruz's imagination)  He remembered Cruz walking out with Cash and Mr X.  Nothing else, he walked away.  Kept looking at the guy prepping our food but didn't see the waiter approach it or do anything to it... hopefully.  Took as many pics as possible without drawing attention (at one point Cruz had to pretend that he was lifting his arm with the cell in hand to get better reception, looked weird but no one stopped him)
Before leaving, Cruz took a picture of the table where Cash, Cruz and Mr X last sat and then walked out. The Last Supper at Fortufato's indeed.
TOPIC for today's SLAW:
Who is the 80's and 90's equivalent of Fonzie from Happy Days.  Cruz compared him with Kramer but that was weird.  No answer. (Click below for ultimate Fonzie scene)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Episode 16: SLAW on the road - Spa slaps her sandwiches, Mr X joins SLAW but gets another end

Spa gets up at 6am to prep some sandwiches, slaps them together (with love) and grunts... Its her SLAW day.  Cash picked up Spa and her sandwiches while Mr X picks up Cruz around 6:35am. Team SLAW arrives at "Area M" for an exciting work day and lunch....12:00pm brought:
1.  Swiss Cheese & Ham Sandwiches
2.  Swiss Cheese & Turkey Sandwiches  
3.  Route 11 Potato Chips
4.  Brent & Sam's Gourmet Chocolate Chip Cookies
5.  Brooklyn's Finest Pickle
Cash and Spa grew up on these sandwiches.  According to wikipedia "As recalled by ballpark concessionaire Harry Stevens in a 1924 interview, in 1894 ham and cheese sandwiches were the only food items sold in New York baseball parks, frankfurters not being introduced until fifteen years later"
To join SLAW officially, Mr X brought beverages
1.  S. Pellegrino for Cash and Spa
2.  Diet Coke for Cruz
and still got a sandwich with an end slice - Read Episode 15 for details... (all part of SLAW initiation, gotta earn the middle slices)
Business of the day:
Decide on SLAW schedule for the Holidays
Spa will take a day-off tomorrow (from SLAWing).  Cash, Mr X and Cruz to continue SLAW on the Road.  Cruz recommended not to take a 2 week break from SLAW (which will most likely kill the project)
During our discussion Spa was busy reading AM New York. (Not that there is anything wrong with that) 
Line from Seinfeld: Used 2 times so far in SLAW Blog.
Spa brings style to SLAW 
with her 1915 Moscot's (Modeled by Cruz)
Where is "Area M"?
Secret location with a puzzling sign... guess away

Stay tuned for Episode 17 of SLAW on the Road...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Episode 15: Cash's Cheese, SLAW Mug and Mr X's "Mystery of the end-slices"

Wednesday 12.15.10: Cash brings Macaroni & Cheese, Bread Sticks and dessert.  (Name the dessert in comments)  First winner gets a small prize.*

SLAW started 12:15, Team finished eating at 12:35.  We discussed logistics for next week's SLAW on the road episodes.  
Cash pointed out that almost everyday, one of Mr X's slice is an end slice.  
Cruz introduced SLAW MUG to team (available on Zazzle).  http://www.zazzle.com/project_slaw_mug-168626183700119896

*Team SLAW is not obligated to give anything to anyone for answering any question on this blog.  

Episode 14: Cruz serves food, give gifts and Spa dances to Mustt Mustt

Tuesday 12.14.10 - A day of "not that spicy" Pakistani food, gifts, a potential SLAW product line, SLAW on the road concept, and SLAW Musik - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.*

Cash brought: 
1.  Yellow Lentil (Daal) 
2.  White Basmati Rice
3.  Peshawari Kababs (North Western Pakistan)
4.  Ritter Sport - Milk Chocolate with Hazelnuts
Spa asked for recipe for Basmati Rice.  Now I owe her 3 recipes. (Biryani, Shami Kababs and Bastmati Rice).

SLAW Gifts: 
Cruz designed & gave SLAW magnets. Magnets available to purchase on www.zazzle.com (search: Project SLAW)

SLAW on the Road:
Cash recommended that we take SLAW on the road next week.  Team unanimously agreed. Check back next week's episode 16-18 for those blogs.

Spa was listening to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan* this morning so she decided to put that song.  He is a Pakistani classical singer who was known all over the world (see below on his work).Cash and Mr X didn't really like any of this but Cruz had a great time listening to the song and seeing Spa dancing to it.

* Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
"Khan teamed with Peter Gabriel on the soundtrack to The Last Temptation of Christ in 1985, with Canadian musician Michael Brook on the albums Mustt Mustt (1990) and Night Song (1996),[3] and with Pearl Jam lead singer Eddie Vedder in 1995 on two songs for the soundtrack to Dead Man Walking. He also contributed to the soundtrack of Natural Born Killers.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Episode 13: Spa brings EAT to SLAW and Cruz ate Caesar.

SLAW reaches1000 views  
2nd month started on a lighter note with Mr X not at work today and Spa under the weather.  She brought 

1. E.A.T's Caesar Salad
2. E.A.T's Onion Rolls
3. E.A.T's Chicken vegetable soup
4. Raspberry Cookies

Cruz enjoyed his salad more than anything waited 3 years to have a E.A.T Caesar salad (thank you SPA), Cash enjoyed the cookies and Spa enjoyed cleaning the table after our Lunch.

Perfect meal for a cold day.  We all sat and shared our weekend stories with Spa's nephew visiting Santa, Cruz's brother getting married and Cash enjoying a nice weekend with some friends in a different State.

Mr X, Spa and Cash also visited FLO, the  evil lord of Nathan's cash register on Friday for some Nathan's. From what we hear she hasn't changed much...

We also talked about taking SLAW on the road next week which will spice things a bit.  SLAW ended with some nice dessert and Spa feeding the carpet.  A quiet, healthy, delicious SLAW indeed.  Sadly no PB&J action today.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Episode 12: Cash adds some meatballs to the mix and [sings] puff the magic dragon

Today, 12.08.10 marks our 1 month "anniversary". After 12 SLAWs and 5 pound gain each, SLAW is going strong and has evolved from a little lunch to a medieval feast with tons of bread/butter, desserts, meat, singing, dancing and dragons...

Cash Brought:
 - Italian leaf mix with cranberries, pecans, tomatoes, olives and feta with a home-made basil vinaigrette dressing
 - Meatballs (Mrs. Cash's grandfather recipe) with homemade tomato sauce
 - Apple spice loaf bread.
Cash mixed all the salad ingredients and SLAW started 9 minutes past 12.  Food was excellent (not just saying it, feel like eating that salad right now) but having 3 course meal during work hours is taking a toll on us. Guess what Mr X had today.  Yup it was a pb&j, the smart one.

To celebrate great John Lennon's 30th anniversary, Cash asked us to name some songs; songs that were believed to be referencing drugs, songs of the 60's and 70's...
Puff the magic dragon, Strawberry fields and Riding that train are few notable mentions.