Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Episode 22: Spa eats spicy rice and beef to fix her tummy ache and Cash spits out Plum Pits.

Its spicy food day at SLAW.  My mom cooked and I brought

1. Bombay Beef Biryani (Basmati Rice cooked in layers of rice, potatoes, minced beef and spices)
2. Plain white Basmati Rice.
3. Yogurt with pepper and cucumber.
4. Ritter Sport Milk Chocolate with Hazelnuts.
I was unable to get rights to most of our conversation so not much to write here.  Spa was not well today, tummy ache.  Hopefully all the spicy rice and beef helped her.  Mr. X was reminded that next week is his turn and he was so thrilled to hear that. (We all think we will be having PB&J sandwiches next Tuesday with every one of the sandwich made with end-slices). Cash poured yogurt over his rice hiding all the plum pits and other spice debris usually found in Biryani.
Now to make this a healthier blog (especially since our lunch wasn't), here is SLAW Health tip of the day:
(HealthDay News) -- If you've resolved to lose weight, taking the time to savor your food may be an easy way to help you eat less.
The American Dietetic Association suggests how to eat slower:
 - Put down your utensils between each bite.
 - Use chopsticks instead of Western utensils.
 - Chew your food completely before swallowing.
 - Make meal time a social time. Engage in conversation to stretch out the meal and interrupt your eating.

 SLAW you later!

1 comment:

  1. Is it too much to ask for the removal of the plum pits from a meal - or is it not fun until someone cracks a tooth. Very nice of Cruz to make the meal a virtual minefield - between dangerous spices and fruit pits. To paraphrase Gloria Gaynor... did you think I'd crumble...did you think I'd lay down and die...oh no not I...I "did" survive - Cash out
