Thursday, November 25, 2010

Episode 5: "Mash Potato Mash" Music War, Spa show some moves and Cash Reminisce

Getting right into it Cash kicks it up a notch with a delicious meal.  
He brought (thx to Mrs Cash)
 - Home Made Mash Potato 
 - Wesley Farm Multigrain Loaf & Butter
 - Chicken Piccata (Thx for the comment Cash :) 
Gooood jaaaaaab!!!!
(Editor's Note: Later, I will post a clip of Spa saying Good Job and then grunting loudly which will explain the above)
Spa ate it quickly, Cash and I took our time.  Mr X joined us with his Cottage Cheese tub. 
NOTE:  MR X is a not participating member of Team SLAW, just an honorary team member.
Cash was prepared with a list of topics.
What was our first "on the books" job?
Cash - (Editor's note: I can't remember YIKES Here comes a comment from Anonymous ... )
Spa - Worked in an ice cream store on Martha's Vineyard at age 14-15.
Cruz - KB Toys in Queens Center Mall at age 17.
Mr X - Delivered newspaper at age 16. 

Recommend one song from the past.
Cash, Spa and Mr X started naming people from 70's and 80's and I got lost. Cash started to explain the story telling songs, Mr. X had a huge smile and Spa showed all of us how to dance the 80's way.

I was certainly the odd man out... not knowing 70's music... they were shocked that I didn't knew most of the artists and I was shocked at how old other SLAW members are! (Not that there is anything wrong with being a teenager in the 70's)

Cash recommended Taxi by Harry Chapin, Mr. X started to dance (started, not actually danced) on Depeche Mode and Spa showed some moves on other 70's classic.

Now thats a good lunch and all in less than an hour.
Week 3: Mission Accomplished and SLAW Continues....

1 comment:

  1. First of all it was chicken piccata - i guess all of these non-Pakistani foods look, smell and taste the same. Obviously Cruz's memory is questionable, the food, my job (mowing neighbors lawn and then a stint at Bamberger's - now Macy's), and any song from his past. Please notice there was no desert and I make a motion that we stop with the deserts, these lunches are filling enough without. If anyone is curious about what Mr. X has been eating up to this point the answer is 90% PB&J and 10% cottage cheese. I am not anticipating any turkey leftovers next week as Spa would have to carry on the train, Cruz is probably not having turkey today and I don't go until Wednesday - let's see if Mr. X mixes it up with Turkey&J or something else. I would also like to see a weekly poll for best meal. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. - Cash
