Monday, November 22, 2010

Episode 3: Spa Surprise, Cash Approves & Cruz tries PB&J

The anticipation. The Surprise.

Headed to the SLAW lunch area, anticipating microwaved fish. Minutes later comes Spa with a huge grin holding a plate piled high with sandwiches, a milk container and bags of Cape Cod Chips. YES. 

"This is awesome"

Mile High Pile
Spa brought
1. Chunky Peanut Butter & Sarabeth's Strawberry Rasberry sandwiches
2. Cape Cod Potato Chips
3. Cupcakes
4. Hudson Valley Fresh Milk with Cocoa Powder 

I announced our new blog.  Cash and Spa liked their blog names and gave me one. 
Cash approves PROJECT SLAW. (I Think)
Salty chips to munch on, filling chunky peanut butter sandwiches to chew on and chocolate milk to drink.

1.  What we were doing in 1985?
- Cruz was just getting into 2nd grade.
- Spa and Cash were in highschool.
- Mr. X had finished school and starting work.
 (Stop Guessing Our Age, Mr X is Not a SLAW member, yet)

2.  If we are on death row, what meal will we select as out last?
- Cruz picked Fillet Mignon and French Fries
- Spa picked Lobster 
- Cash picked his mom's Macaroni & Cheese.
- Mr. X picked Schnitzel/Spaetzle

1 comment:

  1. Cruz neglected to say that while it was a great and filling lunch and unbelievably his first PB&J - the chocolate milk was a miss - cocoa powder directly into the milk created lumps and sludge (not the good kind from chocolate syrup) on the bottom. We did appreciate that Spa seemed to plan slightly further ahead than her prior store purchased solutions but wondered when she would start to use her knives at home and also wondered if as a single New Yorker if that peanut butter has been subjected to the licked knife/spoon prior to our sandwiches. - Cash
